Field Security: 0828281043

HR: 083 775 4409
Rangers: 082 802 5894

mamba75Snake removal:
John Webb 079 778 5359
Juan de Beer 060 665 5000
Read: Snake Removal

Recycling in Marloth Park 
In an effort to reduce the amount of waste and refuse a recycling station has been set up at Gate 2 
Marloth Park. 
Our waste has a direct influence on our flora and fauna. We would like to request that 
people recycle the following materials: 
Plastic: Cool drink bottles, containers, bags etc. 
Glass: Bottles, jars, containers etc. 
Paper/ Cardboard
Please can you separate and rinse where necessary your recyclable material and preferably place them 
into a green refuse bag. These bags can be recovered if you so choose. Regular refuse remains in a 
black garbage bag. Take this to the recycling station positioned at gate 2 Marloth Park. During 
working hours someone will be available to assist you with your refuse at this station. 
Help us to Keep Marloth Park Clean. 
Herwinning in Marloth Park. 
'n Herwinningstasie is by hek nr. 2 tot stand gebring as deel van 'n poging om die hoeveelheid afval 
en vullis te verminder. Die rommel het 'n direkte invloed op ons fauna en flora. 
Ons wil u graag versoek om die volgende herwinbare artikels uit te soek en afsonderlik vir 
verwydering vanaf die stasie beskikbaar te stel: 
Plastiek: Koeldrankbottels, houers, sakke, ens. 
Glas: Bottels, flesse, houers, ens. 
Die herwinbare artikels moet waar nodig gespoel en in groen sakke geplaas word. Die sakke kan weer 
teruggeneem word as u dit so verkies. Die gewone kombuisafval bly in die swart sakke. 
Neem asseblief die sakke na hek nr. 2 waar die herwinningstasie is. Gedurende werksure sal daar 
iemand aan diens wees om hulp aan te bied. 
Help ons om Marloth Park skoon te kry en so te hou.. 

Our vision

hrOur vision is to support and assist the Nkomazi Municipality Conservation Department within Marloth Park with their management strategies and objectives while being an effective volunteer group. 
Read a brief  History of Honorary Rangers and the Conservancy

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