Field Security: 0828281043

HR: 083 775 4409
Rangers: 082 802 5894

mamba75Snake removal:
John Webb 079 778 5359
Juan de Beer 060 665 5000
Read: Snake Removal



Home owners of Marloth Park are urged to assist in the control of this dangerous, invasive, alien weed.

Description: Tall hairy stem, up to 1.5m high. Pale green, hairy leaves and prolific small white flowers.

Where: Roadsides, water courses and overgrazed land (Marloth Park)

Why Invasive: Parthenium can germinate and grow, mature and set seeds in 4 weeks.

It inhibits the growth of indigenous plants, and adults have up to 25000 seeds.

Health Risk: It is a skin and respiratory irritant to humans and exposure over prolonged periods can cause allergic dermatitis and asthma.

Control: Manual removal is recommended. Property owners can assist by removing plants from their stands. Always use gloves and goggles. Pull up the plants by their roots and bury deeply. It is preferable to do this before the plant seeds. DO NOT SLASH AS THIS SPREADS THE SEEDS.

Why do this: The assistance with the removal of this dangerous weed will benefit the veldt rehabilitation programme, the carrying capacity of our land and the future of Marloth Park.

For colour photographs, please visit Should you have a serious infestation on your property or should you need assistance please contact: USCHI POWELL 072 908 0350.




Huis eienaars van Marloth Park word versoek om te help met die beheer van hierdiegevaarlike,  indringer, uitheemseonkruid.

Beskrywing: Lang, harigestam, tot 1.5m hoog. Liggroen, harige blare met digtekleinwitblommetjies.

Waar: Langspaaie, in water weëenoorbeweide veld (Marloth Park)

HoekomIndringer: Parthenium kan ontkiem, groei, volwasse status bereikensadevorm in net 4 weke. Dit inhibeer die groei van inheemseplanteenvolwasseplante kan tot 25000 sadevorm.

GesondheidsRisiko: Dit irriteer die velenrespiratoriesesisteem. Langduringekontak kan allergiese dermatitis enasmaveroorsaak.

Beheer: Fisieseverwydering word aanbeveel. Grondeienaars kan bydradeurplante van hulleerwe te verwyder. Dra altydhandskoeneenbrille. Trek die hele plante, insluitende die wortel, uitenbegrawebaiediep, verkieslikvoordatsadevorm. MOENIE DIE PLANT AFSNY NIE, WANT DIT VEROORSAAK DIE VERSPREIDING VAN SADE.

Hoekommoet dit gedoen word: Die verwydering van hierdie plant sal help met die veld rehabilitasie program, die drakapasiteit van die land en die toekoms van Marloth Park.

Om kleurfotos te sien, besoekgerus ons webwerf by Indien u ‘n ernstigebesmetting op u grond het, of indien u enigehulpnodig het kontakasseblief: USCHI POWELL 072 908 0350.



Our vision

hrOur vision is to support and assist the Nkomazi Municipality Conservation Department within Marloth Park with their management strategies and objectives while being an effective volunteer group. 
Read a brief  History of Honorary Rangers and the Conservancy

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