Municipal Park Land comprises any tract of land in Marloth Park which belongs to the municipality and is not zoned for Residential, Business, Special Use, Amusement, Public Garage, Agriculture or Roads.

 We would like to again remind residents and property owners that it is an offence to remove, destroy or cut down indigenous vegetation on Park Land for any purpose. This includes the clearing or cutting of trees to enhance a view of the river, or unauthorised roads and path ways.

The gathering of fire wood on Park Land is also not permitted and the public are urged to purchase fire wood for this purpose


The placing of any permanent structure on Park Land which includes unauthorised benches, tables or seating is illegal and these will be removed by the municipality.

The watering of Park Land and the discharge of effluent water creates an unnatural environment which usually leads to undesirable vegetation domination and reduction of natural grasses. 

Property owners are urged to support efforts to ensure the long term sustainability of our environment.


Munisipale parkland sluitallestukkegrond in watniegesoneer is virdoeleindes van private bewoning, besigheid, spesialegebruik, ontspanning, landbou en die padnetwerknie. Die volgendeaksies word op parkland verbied:

  • Die verwydering, vernietiging of afkap van inheemseplantegroei. Ditsluit in die baan van ’n wegdeur die bos en die afkap van bomeom die uitsigteverbeter.
  • Die bymekaarmaak van brandhout. Onswildit op die inwoners se hartedrukomhoutvirvuurmaakdoeleindesaantekoop.
  • Die plasing van enigepermanentestruktuurinsluitendeongemagtigdebanke, tafels of sitplekke. Die munisipaliteitsal so ’n struktuurverwyder.
  • Natlei en die storting van uitvloeiwaterwat ’n onnatuurlikeomgewing skep, bevorderlikviroornamedeuronwenslikeplantegroei tot nadeel van natuurlikegrassoorte.

Om saamte vat: Grondeienaars word aangespoorompogingsgerig op die langtermyn-volhoubaarheid van onsomgewingteondersteun.