Field Security: 0828281043

HR: 083 775 4409
Rangers: 082 802 5894

mamba75Snake removal:
John Webb 079 778 5359
Juan de Beer 060 665 5000
Read: Snake Removal


For Property Owners

Services and Publications

Title Hits
Snake talk Hits: 2075
Bird walks Hits: 1669
Winter Fair 2018 Hits: 1537
Who are we? Hits: 1748
Game Feed Offloading Thursday April 30, 2015 Hits: 6274
In Memoriam Hits: 6247
Honrary rangers Activities Hits: 4994
What HR does Hits: 5287
Honorary Rangers Code of Conduct Hits: 4793
A 'Thank You' to June and Tony Hayward Hits: 5164
Barbara Long: a tribute Hits: 5003
Winter Fair Hits: 4850
Welcome to Marloth Park Honorary Rangers Hits: 234692
Pregnant Animals face Culling Hits: 4292
HR and Marlothii Conservancy - the difference Hits: 4141
History of Honorary Rangers and the Conservancy Hits: 5127
What we do Hits: 4865
The Honorary Rangers Vision Hits: 3957

Our vision

hrOur vision is to support and assist the Nkomazi Municipality Conservation Department within Marloth Park with their management strategies and objectives while being an effective volunteer group. 
Read a brief  History of Honorary Rangers and the Conservancy

Who is online

We have 178 guests and no members online