Field Security: 0828281043

HR: 083 775 4409
Rangers: 082 802 5894

mamba75Snake removal:
John Webb 079 778 5359
Juan de Beer 060 665 5000
Read: Snake Removal

The establishment of Honorary Rangers in Marloth Park started during the years of the Transitional Local Authority when the Executive committtee declared that the Awareness Day of Marloth Park Honorary Rangers be approved as being on the 16th December. At that time the Honorary rangers fell under a Nature Conservation Committee consisting of 3 councillors and  Mr J. van der Walt, Chief Conservation Officer. An article inviting home owners to join as Honorary Rangers was published in the monthly newsletter and a meeting convened to inform them of the objectives, being “to promote an awareness of Nature Conservation and the environment in Marloth Park through education and other activities”, their rights and duties. A proposed code of conduct was duly tabled and a resolution (BO86) of 5/8/95  was passed that all funds collected by them would be paid to the treasury. The logo would be the Zebra.

With the inclusion of Marloth Park and Lionspruit into the greater Nkomazi Municipality, some of the Hon. Rangers feared that their interests in furthering these objectives as Honorary Rangers could be curtailed or done away with at a stroke of the pen, and any funds obtained could be used for purposes other than Conservation in Marloth Park. To this end it was decided to establish the Marlothii Conservancy to be a strong independent non-political organisation working together to achieve a wisely managed long term sustainability for Marloth Park. Their mission:

“To promote public participation in the restoration and caring, via the Marlothii Conservancy, in correct veld management, starting on our own properties, in order to improve the quality of our flora for the benefit of our fauna”.  

Our vision

hrOur vision is to support and assist the Nkomazi Municipality Conservation Department within Marloth Park with their management strategies and objectives while being an effective volunteer group. 
Read a brief  History of Honorary Rangers and the Conservancy

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