John Webber 0714806453
John Webb 0797785359 
Field Security 0828281043

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Field Security: 0828281043
HR: 072 778 5359
Rangers: 082 802 5894


Parthenium hysterophorusis an extremely dangerous alien invasive plant that can totally destroy our natural bush!

Parthenium hysterophorusis an extremely dangerous alien invasive plant that can totally destroy our natural bush!

It has dangerous consequences as it can seriously affect crop production, food for game (consequently tourism) and the health of humans and animals, especially those with suppressed immunity. The pollen of Parthenium emits allergens which cause hay fever, asthma, allergies and dermatitis and it releases phytotoxic compounds from its roots and decaying plants which allow it to suppress other plants.  It also produces 10 000 seeds per plant which can remain in the soil and still germinate after 20 years.


To control it do Hand-pulling, preferably before flowering but protective clothing, goggles and gloves must be worn and the plant matter burnt or buried in a deep hole. Spray with solution of 1 kg sea salt:1 L washing soap(or soap oil):10 L water (per article in Wikipedia) or a suitable herbicide directly on to Parthenium weed only. You can slash the plants to stop seeding but this has to be done continuously and the roots do strengthen. Our long-term solution will be bio-control but the agents work slowly and we will have to apply herbicide and hand-pull as well, for many years to come. For visual identification please Google Parthenium or refer to colour photos. For queries please contact Joce on 082 306 5133 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Please note that Property Owners are responsible for clearing alien invasive plants from their own stands.




(In ons laeveld word hierdie plant Demoina-bossie genoem nadat dit ná die sikloon Demoina in 1986 skielik daar sy opwagting gemaak  het.)

Parthenium hysterophorus is 'n uiters gevaarlike uitheemse indringerplant wat ons natuurlike bos geheel en al kan uitroei.

Hierdie plant hou gevaarlike gevolge in, aangesien dit die produksie van graan, weiding vir wild (met ernstige nadele vir toerisme), gesondheid van mens en dier, veral diegene met 'n lae immuniteit, ernstig kan skaad. Die stuifmeel van die Parthenium veroorsaak allergieë wat hooikoors, asma en dermatitis insluit en dit stel plantaardige gif vanaf die wortels en die verrottende plante vry wat ander waardevolle plante se groei onderdruk. Dit gooi ook 10 000 sade per plant af  wat vir solank as 20 jaar in die grond kan bly.

Trek dit uit met die hand om die verspreiding daarvan aan bande te lê, verkieslik voor die blomstadium maar oorpakke, stofbrille en handskoene moet gedra word en die plante moet verbrand of diep begrawe word. 

Sprei met 'n mengsel van 1 kg seesout, 1 liter opwasseep (of seep-olie), 10 liter water (soos in Wikipedia) of  'n geskikte onkruiddoder direk op net die Partheniumplant. Die plante kan ook afgekap word om saadvorming te stop, maar dan moet dit voortdurend gedoen word want die wortels versterk wel.

Ons langtermynoplossing sal wees om bio-beheer toe te pas, maar die  proses is langsaam en ons sal nogtans vir baie jare moet voortgaan met die spuit van die geskikte onkruiddoder en die uittrek van die plante. Om uitkenning te vergemaklik, gaan na Google/Parthenium of raadpleeg kleurfoto's. Vir navrae kan u Joce Gordon by selnommer 082 306 5133 of This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   kontak.Let asseblief daarop dat eienaars self verantwoordelik is vir die verwydering van uitheemse en ander indringerplante op hulle eiendom.


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hrOur vision is to support and assist the Nkomazi Municipality Conservation Department within Marloth Park with their management strategies and objectives while being an effective volunteer group. 
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