John Webber 0714806453
John Webb 0797785359 
Field Security 0828281043

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Field Security: 0828281043
HR: 072 778 5359
Rangers: 082 802 5894


We would like to assist property owners with their identification of Alien Invasive Plants which inhibit the growth of indigenous bush!  The fewer alien invasive plants and the more natural indigenous bush and grass we have, the more animals we can sustain in Marloth Park and Lionspruit.



  • Click to enlarge image 1a_Before_Large.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image 1__Before__Large.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image 2_Clearing_1_Large.JPG
  • Click to enlarge image 3_Clearing_Large.JPG
  • Click to enlarge image 4_Dumping_material_Large.JPG
  • Click to enlarge image 5__Beautiful_result_Large.JPG
  • Click to enlarge image 6__Natural_bush_left_Large.JPG
  • Click to enlarge image Alotofyoungparthenium.JPG Young parthenium Young parthenium
  • Click to enlarge image front_page_image_100_wide.png
  • Click to enlarge image Partheniumatroadsidewithflowers.JPG At roadside with flowers At roadside with flowers
  • Click to enlarge image Youngpartheinimplant.JPG Young parthenium plant Young parthenium plant


(Parthenium hysterophorus)


How to identify this plant.

The pretty, soft and frilly leaves form a rosette on the ground when the plant is small.  It is light but bright green in colour.  The little white flowers can form when the plant is very young and then more and more flowers form.  The plant grows to 1,5m and even up to 3m in favourable conditions.  It is an annual plant but can be perennial where winters are mild with a regular supply of water.


Each flower has 5 seeds which become viable when the flower turns brown.  One plant can produce as many as 10 000 seeds.  These remain viable in the ground for up to 20 years.  The seeds are spread by wind, water and animals.  They are also spread by man – on their shoes and in their car tyres.  Seeds germinate easily in disturbed soil although they do germinate in compacted earth as well.  The plant material puts out phytotoxins which inhibit the growth of other plants and in that way it destroys the natural bush.  This is our most dangerous alien invasive plant and it is of national concern.


Parthenium is shallow rooting and can be pulled up easily.  Protective clothing should be used. The pollen emits allergens which cause hay-fever, asthma, allergies and dermatitis. It can be cut and sprayed or cover-sprayed with a suitable herbicide.  All pieces of Parthenium cut or pulled out should be buried in a deep hole or burnt.  According to an article on the internet the following solution can be used to spray Parthenium:  I0 lts Water to 1kg Sea Salt and 1 lt washing up soap or soap oil.  Cover-spray plants well.  Do not spray any indigenous plants as this solution will kill them too.  Bio-control agents have been introduced but it will take some 20 years for them to become effective.  In the meantime it is essential to control this plant in order to save our park.


For more information contact Joce Gordon 082 306 5122 or Terence Porter 0827853429

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hrOur vision is to support and assist the Nkomazi Municipality Conservation Department within Marloth Park with their management strategies and objectives while being an effective volunteer group. 
Read a brief  History of Honorary Rangers and the Conservancy

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