Field Security: 0828281043

HR: 083 775 4409
Rangers: 082 802 5894

mamba75Snake removal:
John Webb 079 778 5359
Juan de Beer 060 665 5000
Read: Snake Removal


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Baboon Proof Bins: July 2014

Many property owners have baboon proof bins on their properties and most of these prove to be ineffective, creating a serious litter problem. The structure and maintenance of these bins are the responsibility of the home owners. In order for them to be effective they need to be constructed of small holed expanded metal so that monkeys and mongoose are not able to pull the rubbish out of the bins.

Read more: Baboon Proof Bins: July 2014

Grazing capacity of Marloth Park: May 2014

 .. and the effect of veld destruction on the number of animals Marloth Park can sustain.

A number of homeowners are destroying the available grazing on their stands and even parkland - this will have disastrous effects on the following animals: Blue Wildebeest, Zebra, and Impala. A single Wildebeest requires 4.5kg of grazing per day. A zebra requires 8.86 kg of grazing per day.

Read more: Grazing capacity of Marloth Park: May 2014

Parkland: June 2014

Municipal Park Land comprises any tract of land in Marloth Park which belongs to the municipality and is not zoned for Residential, Business, Special Use, Amusement, Public Garage, Agriculture or Roads.

 We would like to again remind residents and property owners that it is an offence to remove, destroy or cut down indigenous vegetation on Park Land for any purpose. This includes the clearing or cutting of trees to enhance a view of the river, or unauthorised roads and path ways.

Read more: Parkland: June 2014

Our vision

hrOur vision is to support and assist the Nkomazi Municipality Conservation Department within Marloth Park with their management strategies and objectives while being an effective volunteer group. 
Read a brief  History of Honorary Rangers and the Conservancy

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